Case Study
UCD Lyon's Research Farm
Sustainable development and climate change are two of the greatest challenges of our time and require attention and action from individuals, organisations and governments.
UCD recognises the important role it has to play as a leader in these global challenges, not only in research and teaching but also in the operation and development of the UCD estate.
The University seeks the attainment of a sustainable, healthy and living campus and as such endeavours to manage the campus in a way that considers energy and water usage, waste management, sustainable commuting and biodiversity in all of its activities where relevant.
UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science at Lyons Research Farm is the first destination of choice for Agriculture and Food Science undergraduate and graduate programmes in Ireland. What better a location to demonstrate the Solar Energy Opportunity that exists in Ireland for the Agri Food Sector.
In May 2017, UCD opened a tender processĀ for a Power Purchase Agreement, for the production of electrical energy from a Solar Photo-voltaic array to be located on the roof of a farm building at Lyons Research Farm.
The length of the contract term was 20 years and the succesful bidder was to provide all financing for the installation, commissioning and maintenance of the Solar PV system over its lifetime.
Gaelectric Behind The Meter, a Carbon Care Company, was the successful bidder and the installation was installed in September and comissioned in October of 2017.
The Power Purchase Agreement is a significent development for the Carbon Care portfolio as it represents yet another innovative way to help clients start the Journey to a low Carbon Future by taking away all the capital cost as well as demonstrating real cost savings and benifiting the enviornment.
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